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“Oh My Goodness! She’s got Cancer?
10 years of caesarean scar pregnancies at the Mercy Hospital for Women
A BHCG of 1.9million: A DCDA twin pregnancy with complete molar pregnancy and co-existing live fetus
A case of foetal surveillance in a setting of foetal cardiac rhabdomyomas
A case of postpartum haemorrhage in a patient with a classical Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
A Case of Postpartum Portal Vein Thrombosis
A Case of Undiagnosed Rheumatic Heart Disease Presenting as Acute Pulmonary Oedema in Pregnancy
A case report of acute fatty liver of pregnancy
A case report of surgical management of ureteral endometriosis with stenosis and hydronephrosis, a third way?
A case report: Retinal tears during the second stage of labour
A general practitioner contraception appointment. More than just a script
A Prospective Cohort Study to Assess the Association Between Early Pregnancy Bleeding and Poor Pregnancy Outcome in a South-East-Asian Tertiary Hospital
A rare case and surgical innovation; Hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell carcinoma
A Rare Case of a Foetal Posterior Mediastinal Lymphangioma Diagnosed Antenatally
A rare case of large fibroid causing bowel obstruction
A rare case of ovarian ectopic pregnancy
A rare case of ruptured ectopic pregnancy in the ovary
A retrospective study of caesarean section rates secondary to failure to progress
A sac within a sac
A systematic review and meta-analysis of Blastocyst-stage Embryo Thaw outcomes with and without a Corpus Luteum
A systematic review of the socio-demographic variables associated with male attitudes towards female genital mutilation (FGM)
A unique complication of pseudomyxoma peritonei: Ovarian torsion
A uterine rupture that led to the development of a culturally relevant patient handout for Aboriginal women considering VBAC
Abdominal Wall Endometriosis in Caesarean Scar
Abnormal abdominal and pelvic vasculature in a patient with Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser Syndrome
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding with Hereditary Coproporphyria – a true treatment dilemma
Abnormally invasive placenta: a 5-year Tertiary Hospital case
Active pulmonary tuberculosis presenting as a post-menopausal bleeding: A case report
Acute pancreatitis associated with haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets syndrome
An aduit of accuracy of ultrasound prediction in induction for the suspected large for gestational age fetus
An Audit of Management of Ectopic Pregnancy in a Major Tertiary Healthcare ServiceDr
An audit of post caesarean section infections prior to and after the introduction of a prevention care bundle
An insidious presentation of acute fatty liver of pregnancy
An unexpected case of bilateral ectopic pregnancy from separate menstrual cycles
An unusal pattern of lesions in a case of metastatic uterine leiomyosarcoma
An Unusual Cause of Abdominal Pain in Pregnancy
Analysis of patient demographics and maternal-fetal outcomes following aeromedical retreival for pregnancy-related complications
Antenatal Cervical Screening – Patients’ Understanding and Perceptions
Antenatal diagnosis of Placenta Accreta Spectrum in a tertiary referral centre
Antenatal Intravenous Ferric Carboxymaltose (Ferinject) Safety And Efficacy: A Retrospective Cohort Study
Antenatal telehealth in Covid-19: Provider and patient experience
Antepartum Mastitis: A case series
Antibiotics in Labour at Term: An Audit
Assessing the impact of Lipiodol flush on thyroid function in subfertile women
Association between volume of fluid resuscitation in the management of postpartum haemorrhage and maternal morbidity
Association of demographic factors on outcomes of trial of labour after cesarean section: A retrospective study of women delivery in a tertiary centre
Audit of estimated blood loss during delivery and its impact on haemoglobin and anaemia treatments provided to women post-delivery
Audit of Primigravida Caesarean Sections in a Western Australian Tertiary Centre
Audit: Are We Following the New Cervical Screening Guidelines for Management of Discordant Liquid Based Cytology and Colposcopy Results?
Audit: Patient satisfaction rates following midurethral sling procedures
Auditing response times for category-1 caesareans at a new tertiary service; does a split-level maternity service support timely delivery?
Australian Cervical Screening Renewal: Experiences of General Practitioners and Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Bandl’s Ring in a Pregnancy Complicated by Macrosomia and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.
Barriers to salpingectomy for permanent contraception: A qualitative study with Australian Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Beware thhe sudden headache of pre-eclampsia: An unforgettable case report
Bladder injury following oocyte retrieval in Mullerian Agensis: A case study and literature review
Business as usual during the COVID-19 pandemic? State-wide trends in maternity care consultations and obstetric ultrasounds during lockdown in VIC and NSW.
Caesarean rates and posoperative blood loss – a retrospective 5 year review in a rural Victorian maternity unit
Caesarean section analysis using the Robson classification in two major hospitals in Victoria: an observational study
Can we ignore a pregnant person’s snore?
Candida Glabrata Chorioamnionitis After Pre-term Pre-labour Rupture of Membranes in an IVF Pregnancy.
Caring for women with female genital mutilation: A case study documenting deinfibulation and postoperative care
Case Report: Laparoscopic Resection of a Functional Non-Communicating Rudimentary Uterine Horn
Cell-free DNA has potential as a low-invasive diagnostic market for early endometriosis
Chorioangioma: A case series of polarised obstetric outcomes
Chorionic Bump: A Potential Diagnostic Pitfall In First Trimester
Clinical audit of indications for instrumental deliveries
Clinical outcomes of pregnant women undergoing cervical surveillance with a previous history of cervical intrapithelial neoplasia treatment
Clinician Perceptions of Co-leadership in Maternity Emergencies
Coexisting complete mole and live fetus in DCDA pregnancy with secondary ovarian hyperstimulation and torsion: A unique situation
Comparing rates of retained placenta requiring manual removal with and without mifepristone for mid and late trimester terminations of pregnancy
Comparison of outcomes in second-stage caesarean section with and without a trial of instrumental delivery in theatre
Comparison of ultrasound and laparoscopic diagnosis in non-pregnant women with acute abdominal pain
Compliance to local and international guidelines in the repair of obstetric anal sphincter injuries
Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM): A cost-effective tool to reduce preterm birth rates in women with Type 1 Diabetes
Cornual ectopic pregnancy requiring both surgical and medical management
Correlation of sonographic and histopathological findings in women undergoing surgical management for retained products of conception
COVID-19, a psychosocial stressor in preterm deliveries: A case report
Cracking the code of Chronic Pelvic Pain: The link between Endometriosis and Bladder Pain Syndrome
Cross sectional study on caesarean delivery for maternal request in a busy metropolitan public hospital in Australia
Day 1 to Day 4 serum hCG change in predicting single-dose methotrexate treatment failure for tubal ectopic pregnancies
Deceptively high CA-125 in benign disease
Delayed Diagnosis of Non-Sexually Acquired Pelvic Inflammatory Disease in a Patient with Severe Endometriosis and Multidisciplinary Approach to Management
Delayed splenic rupture following laparoscopy for tubo-ovarian abscess
Diagnosis and Management of an ovarian ectopic pregnancy
Do women with post menopausal bleeding need hysteroscopy dilatation and curettage?
Does consultant attendance for a second-stage delivery in theatre make a difference?
Does optimising antenatal management of iron stores contribute to decreased rates of blood transfusion post-delivery in patients with placenta accreta?
Early experience and patient perspectives of immediate post-partum placement of intra-uterine contraceptive devices
Ectopic pregnancy 13 days after endometrial ablation with concomitant sterilization
Effect of an outpatient hysteroscopy service in a category 1 referrals for postmenstrual bleeding
Effectiveness and safety of outpatient verus inpatient balloon cervical ripening: Findings from a pilot study
Emergency CS for second twin who is at risk?
Emergency CS for seconf twin – who is at risk?
Endogenous thrombin potential during pregnancy and its correlation with pregnancy outcomes
Endometrial thickness (EMT) in the prediction of neonatal adverse outcomes in frozen cycles for singleton pregnancies
Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain: What predicts the decision to operate and the subsequent presence and stage of Endometriosis?
Estimation of neonatal body fat percentage by skinfold measurement is a reasonable alternative to PEAPOD to predict neonatal morbidity
Experiences in a support group of women with type 1 diabetes in pregnancy
Familial Mediterranean fever in pregnancy: A case study
Fasting Blood Glucose as a Predictor of Medical Management in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Fetal abdominal cyst: Challenges in prenatal diagnosis
Fetal death associated with fundal uterine rupture in a non-labouring primiparous patient: a case report
Fetal heart rate patterns during sleep
Fetal supraventricular tachycardia: A case report on the challenges of management
Follow-up of medical management for miscarriage in King Edward Memorial Hospital via delayed ultrasound scanning
GDM screening in practices in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women in a metropolitan setting
Gestational choriocarcinoma diagnosed in a well 36 year old being investigated for ‘pregnancy of unknown location’
Gestational diabetes: COVID-19 criteria limiting OGTT testing – are we missing out?
Hamman Syndrome: A rare cause for acute facial and neck swelling in the second stage of labour
Hamman’s syndrome in a postpartum patient
Hemi uterus: A case study documenting laparoscopic removal of the non-communicating horn followed by sucessful term pregnancy
High Grade Endometrial Cancer Diagnosed 6 weeks Post Term Vaginal Delivery
Home births and clinical intervention, is there a happy medium? A case report
How long do we administer syntocinon before calling it a failed induction?
Hyperpigmentation in HELLP Syndrome: A Diagnostic Dilemma.
Hysterectomy in a 33 year old nulligravida woman with grade IV endometriosis, infertility and Mullerian anomaly: A case report
Hysteroscopic resection of a large intramural uterine fibroid following uterine artery embolization in a young pre-menopausal woman: A case report
Hysteroscopic resection of a uterine tumour resembling ovarian sex-cord tumour with Myosure for fertility preservation: A case report and literature review
Identification of risk factors and development of a first trimester prediction model for preterm prelabour rupture of membranes
Impact of change in the National Cervical Screen Program on Colposcopy referrals to a Metropolitan Hospital 2017-2020
Impact of in – vs out of hours delivery on preterm neonatal outcomes
Implementation of Transvaginal Ultrasound Screening during routine foetal anatomy scans between 18-24 weeks and the detection of decreased cervical length
Improvement in gynaecology clinical indicators following introduction of a formalised audit process in a regional unit
Incidence of Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injuries: Clinical audit of two major Victorian hospitals
Index of deprivation decile and ethnicity are strong predictors of limited antenatal care and could be used to identify at-risk patients
Infection following caesarean section at Broome Health Campus
Initial experiences of a tertiary hospital with indocyanine green for sentinel lymph node mapping in endometrial cancer and atypical hyperplasia
Instagram and the Contraceptive Implant: A social media content analysis
Internal Carotid Artery Dissection In A Pregnancy Complicated By Fulminating Pre-Eclampsia.
Intraoperative Blood Loss at Caesarean Section: The impact of predelivery anaemia
Introducing ERAS to a large regional hospital: Phase 1
Ipswich General Hospital: Caesarean Section decision to delivery interval audit
Is the rate of vaginal birth inversely proportional to body mass index in pregnancy
Is there a difference in patient satisfaction with expectant, medical or surgical management of miscarriage?
Is type and screen testing justified as a pre-operative investigation for benign hysterectomies?
Kleihaeur test in the context of reduced foetal movements
Knowledge of pap smear test and visual inspection with acetic acid in cervical cancer patients in Manado
Laparoscopic hysterectomy for the treatment of essure-attributed symptoms
Laparoscopic management of a ruptured interstitial ectopic pregnancy: Is it conventional?
Large ovarian mass that can mimic a malignancy
Large Paravaginal Haematoma: An Occult Cause of Postpartum Haemorrhage
Lipomyelomeningocele: Antenatal diagnosis of closed spina bifida
Listeria monocytogenes: Diagnosis and Management
Long acting reversible contraception recommendation rates at a sexual health clinic
Lynch Syndrome Associated Endometrial Carcinomas in Western Australia: Analysis of Four Years of Universal Screening by Mismatch Repair Protein Immunohistochemistry
Management of a caesarean scar ectopic – A case report from Alice Springs
Management of a caesarean scar ectopic pregnancy in a regional Queensland setting
Management of ectopic pregnancy during the early phase of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic in rural Australia
Management of pregnancy in a patient with a ventriculoperitoneal shunt for congenital hydrocephalus: A case report
Management of the incidental adnexal mass at emergency caesarean section: An asymptomatic struma ovarii
Managing placenta accreta spectrum disorders in a stand-alone tertiary institution
Massive postpartum haemorrhage at caesarean section with a closed cervix – A review of techniques to deploy a Bakri Balloon
Maternal and fetal outcomes following induction of labour for suspected large-for-gestatinal age or fetal macrosomia
Maternal Collapse in COVID-19: A rare case of uterine torsion, placental abruption and fetal death in utero in third trimester
Maternal Fetal Medicine – Auckland wait times for Tauranga patients
Mentoring Junior O&G Doctors during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case for Virtual Mentoring
Mode of delivery with successful external cephalic version: A case control study
Monitored Ovulation Induction Through A Public Hospital; Outcomes and Challenges
Monochorionic monoamniotic twin pregnancy discordant for a myelomeningocele – a management dilemma
Mortality benefit of prophylactic oophorectomy at a time of initial surgery for primary colorectal carcinoma in women: A systematic review
New-onset refractory status epilepticus in pregnancy: A case report and review of the literature surrounding management
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma of the female genital tract: A diagnostic challenge of a pelvic mass
Normal birth after caesarean section, trends at a tertiary obstetric hospital 10 years after the introduction of dedicated clinic
Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injury and Implementation of the WHA perineal care bundle at a secondary hospital
Obstetric vesico-vaginal fistulas: midvaginal and juxtacervical fistula repair outcomes in the Democratic Republic of Congo .pptx
OGTT Bias? Short suffer, tall triumph
Optimizing Endometrial Receptivity in IVF – A Qualitative Survey Study
ORNITINE TRANSCARBAMYLASE DEFICIENCY- a case well managed through proper planning and multidisciplinary approach
Outcomes of expectant, medical and surgical management of pregnancy of unknown location: Experience of a single tertiary centre
Outcomes of monochorionic diamniotic twins affected by selective fetal growth restriction over 10 years in a tertiary hospital
Outcomes of planned VBAC and when VBACs fail
Outpatient Hysteroscopy – The patient experience
Ovarian steroid cell tumour: In search of a rare cause of hyperandrogenism despite uncertainty and surgical risk
Patient perceptions of informed consent and agency during intrapartum consent for caesarean section
Patient satisfaction with Telehealth in antenatal care during the Covid-19 pandemic
Perils & Pitfalls of Bilateral Salpingectomy at Caesarean Section
Perineal fibroadenoma masquerading as sarcoma: A case report
Perineal wound dehiscence audit
Period Pains and Epipens: a rare case of catamenial anaphylaxis
Peripartum splenic rupture: A rare cause of post-caesarean haemoperitoneum
Persistent pelvic pain in women – Burden on Regional Queensland Healthcare Services
POI in Adolescents
Polydipsia in pregnancy: A prodromal feature of acute fatty liver in pregnancy
Population-based Analysis of Atypical Chromosomal Abnormalities According to Nuchal Translucency Measurement: An Individual Record Linkage Study of 81,244 Women.
Positive predictive value of noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) in 2019: a population-based study of expanded NIPT in Victoria
Post Menopausal Bleeding Clinic: The One Stop Shop
Post-partum diagnosis of Stage IV cervical adenocarcinoma
Postmenopausal adnexal mass. A case of a diagnostic rollercoaster
Postmenopausal spontaneous uterine perforation as a cause of pneumoperitoneum: A case report and literature review
Postnatal Oxytocin Improves Survival and Long-term Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in an Animal Model of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
Postpartum female with antiphospholipid synfrome presenting with acute chest pain. Is it myocardial infarction or pulmonary embolism?
Postpartum haemorrhage management with the introduction of routine tranexamic acid. Has practice changed since the World Maternal Antifibrinolytic (WOMAN) trial?
Postpartum Ogilvie’s Syndrome – A case report
Pre operative blood screening protocol in major gynaecological surgery – A pilot study
Predicting caesarean section risk following induction of labour: a pooled analysis of PROBAAT trials
Pregnancy following radical trachelectomy with a surprisingly spontaneous outcome
Pregnancy luteoma mimicking a malignant ovarian mass
Pregnancy-Related Abdominal Wall Neuropathy (PRAWN). A common and treatable cause of pain in pregnancy. A case series.
Preterm birth rates after cervical excision managed with ultrasound cervical length surveillance vs cervical cerclage
Prevalence and management of hepatitis B infection in pregnancy at Northern Health: a clinical audit
Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP) – Should obstetrician be concerned?
Psychotic denial of pregnancy
Quality indicators for endometrial cancer treatment in MidCentral DHB
Rare and unusual birth trauma; A case of an extensive buttonhole tear
Rate of elective caesarean section prior to 39 weeks gestation – a retrospective clinical audit at a single centre
Rates of Maori women receiving surgical treatment for urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse
Reduced fetal movements: Do care pathways improve patient flow during emergency presentation?
Reducing the risk of Healthcare Worker infection and service interruption by rostering for ‘Isolated Teams’ during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Retained products of contraception following caesareans as a cause of secondary postpartum haemorrhage
Retrospective audit of clinical care provided and patient outcomes for women referred to Gynaecology clinic with postmenopausal bleeding
Retrospective Audit of Instrumental Vaginal Delivery in a Busy Level 3 Obstetric Unit
Retrospective audit of the management of ovarian torsion in a Tertiary Hospital over a decade
Retrospective five year follow up study of cervical smear-biopsy mismatch
Review of stillbirths at a tertiary hospital over a six year priod
Risk factoors for presentation with late stage endometrial cancer in the lower North Island, New Zealand
Risk factors for perinatal mortality associated with spontaneous preterm birth at a large tertiary hospital in New Zealand: a case control study
Robotic versus Laparoscopic Hysterectomy in Morbidly Obese Women with Endometrial Cancer
Role of endometrial TB-PCR to detect genital tuberculosis in infertile women
Routine use of tranexamic acid in women with postpartum haemorrhage was not associated with an increase in maternal morbidity
Ruptured fetal ovarian cyst in utero
Safe manageement of placental adhesive disorders in regional Australia during COVID-19
Secondary postpartum haemorrhage: Who is at risk?
Serum urate in PET Delivery – A friend or furphy?
Severe early-onset preeclampsia associated with autoimmune hypothyroidism
Severe ventriculomegaly; A diagnostic and prognostic conundrum
Sexual Function In Reproductive-Aged Women Following Radiotherapy: A Cross Sectional Study
Sexual masochism disorder – two colostomies too many
Short-term postpartum blood pressure management and long-term blood pressure control: A randomised controlled trial
Should we look for a low-grade threshold for blastocyst transfer?
Single site audit of effectiveness of Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Endometrial Cancer in Gynaecological Oncology Practice
Smooth muscle tumour of uncertain potential manifesting as Bartholin Cyst
Snapshot of a small but important service: Second Trimester abortion in New Zealand
Spontaneous ureteric rupture in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy: A case report
Steroid Cell Tumours Not Otherwise Specified – A Review of A Rare Condition
Suicidal ideation in pregnancy; A case of preterm induction of labour for psychosocial reasons
Super obesity in pregnancy is a super big problem: Outcomes of maternal super obesity
Supralevator haematoma following spontaneous vaginal delivery
Surgical management of caesarean scar ectopic pregnancies: A case series
Surgical management of miscarriage: A quality improvement project in a tertiary hospital to improve patient experiences through tragic times
Surgical site infection requiring hospitalisation remained unchanged with introduction of a prophylactic incisional negative pressure wound therapy guideline in a high-risk population
Surgical Start Time and Complications in Gynaecological Surgery
SUSAC Syndrome- An under reported and misdiagnosed condition that needs greater awareness for adequate management.
Symptomatic Paratubal Cyst mimicking an ovarian cyst torsion
Systematic review: Therapies to prevent preterm prelabour rupture of membranes
The acute medical management of a late diagnosis of Fetal Atrial Flutter
The birth of a girl with 47 XXX – the love journey of a baby girl
The impact of age and parity on regret following hysterectomy for benign disease
The Impact of Hysterectomy on the Rate of Complications After Surgery for Pelvic Organ Prolapse: Experience of a Single Surgeon
The Outcomes of Cervical Cerclage in New Zealand (NZ) European and NZ Maori Women over a 14 Year Period in a NZ Tertiary Care Centre
The post-op review as an opportunity to intervene for postnatal depression following caesarean
The role of prophylactic antibiotics in subcutaneous emphysema in nulliparous labour: A case report
The Twist – Adnexal Torsion
The use and misue of fetal fibronection testing: A retrospective audit
Three of a Kind: Fertility, Family Planning and Breast Cancer
Thromboembolism in pregnancy: Assessing and managing the risk
Total laparoscopic hysterectomy in a woman with uterine didelphys, longitudinal vaginal septum and grade IV endometriosis: A case report
Training for an undertaking gynaecological surgery in Australia: A comprehensive analysis of Australian Institute Health and Welfare (AIHW)and Medicare Data
Transient Leukaemia of Down Syndrome
Tubal Stump Ectopic Pregnancy
Tubo-ovarian abscesses: An important consideration in midlife health
Twin anaemia polycythaemia sequence in dichorionic diamniotic twins
Two cases of Hamman’s syndrome with follow through to subsequent deliveries
Two uterine scars and a vaginal birth
Untwist – Adnexal Torsion
Ureteric Injury at Hysterectomy: a Retrospective Review of Patient and Operative Factors that may contribute to risk
Uterine Arteriovenous Malformations
Uterine Incarceration and Placenta Increta following previous Uterine Surgery: A case report
Uterine Rupture Secondary to Degenerating Fibroids in Pregnancy
Uterine Vascular Malformations
What Effect Does Maternal COVID-19 Infection in the 1st Trimester Have on Fetal Lung Development?
Why are Classical Caesarean Sections increasing and is modern obstetrics the cause?
Why don’t Obstetricians ask?: A systematic review to identify the barriers to screening or asking about IPV in the antenatal outpatient setting.
Xanthogranulomatous endometritis: A rare histophathological finding
Yao syndrome in pregnancy
Young people’s views on chalmydia testing
Zooming in to an online interview Training Program