RANZCOG ASM 2024 Program

Program Overview

Plen 2.2+2.3+2.5+2.6
Concurrent 2
Plen 2.1+2.4
Concurrent 3
Plen 1.1+1.2
07.45 – 08.25
Plenary Plen 2.2+2.3+2.5+2.6
Breakfast Session (Matiu 1A)
Concurrent 2 Plen 2.1+2.4
Breakfast Session (Makaro 1C)
Concurrent 3 Plen 1.1+1.2
Breakfast Session (Whataitai 2A)
08.30 – 10.30
Plenary Plen 2.2+2.3+2.5+2.6
Plenary 2 - Partnerships with Community
Phil Suisted
08.30 – 08.40
Plenary Plen 2.2+2.3+2.5+2.6
Mihi Whakatau
Phil Suisted and Wendy Dallas-Katoa
08.40 – 08.50
Plenary Plen 2.2+2.3+2.5+2.6
Session Welcome and Introductions
08.50 – 09.10
Plenary Plen 2.2+2.3+2.5+2.6
Community Engagement: Empowering Families for Preventative Care
Glenn Colquhoun
09.10 – 09.30
Plenary Plen 2.2+2.3+2.5+2.6
Collaboration for Accessible and Inclusive Healthcare
George Parker
09.30 – 09.50
Plenary Plen 2.2+2.3+2.5+2.6
Arthur Wilson Memorial Oration
Karaponi Okesene-Gafa
09.50 – 10.10
Plenary Plen 2.2+2.3+2.5+2.6
Ella Macknight Memorial Oration
Kati Taghavi
10.10 – 10.30
Plenary Plen 2.2+2.3+2.5+2.6
Immediate Past President's Oration
Benjamin Bopp
10.30 – 11.00
Plenary Plen 2.2+2.3+2.5+2.6
Morning Tea and Exhibition - Halls 1 &2
Concurrent 3 Plen 1.1+1.2
Morning Tea and Exhibition - Halls 1 &2
11.00 – 12.30
Plenary Plen 2.2+2.3+2.5+2.6
Concurrent 10 - #empowered: Informing and Empowering Through Social Media
Charlotte Oyston
Concurrent 2 Plen 2.1+2.4
Concurrent 11 - Abortion
Anna Hudspith and Rachel Rapkin
Concurrent 3 Plen 1.1+1.2
Concurrent 12 - Pelvic Pain
Fiona Bach
11.00 – 11.10
Plenary Plen 2.2+2.3+2.5+2.6
Session Welcome and Introductions
Concurrent 2 Plen 2.1+2.4
Session Welcome and Introductions
Concurrent 3 Plen 1.1+1.2
Session Welcome and Introductions
11.10 – 11.30
Plenary Plen 2.2+2.3+2.5+2.6
Social Media to Empower and Inform - A New Zealand Perspective
Morgan Edwards
Concurrent 2 Plen 2.1+2.4
Second Trimester Abortion Provision: Who, What, Where, When, How, Why?
Paddy Moore
Concurrent 3 Plen 1.1+1.2
Trauma Informed Care
Simon Goss
11.30 – 11.50
Plenary Plen 2.2+2.3+2.5+2.6
Highs, Lows, Wins and Challenges - My Experience in Digital and Online Communication
Danielle Jones
Concurrent 2 Plen 2.1+2.4
Abortion Ethics: A Values Clarification Session
Angela Ballantyne
Concurrent 3 Plen 1.1+1.2
Pelvic Mesh
Bernadette Brown
11.50 – 12.10
Plenary Plen 2.2+2.3+2.5+2.6
Empowerment Beyond Borders - Delivering Women’s Health Education across India and it’s Subcontinents
Sumaiya Sayed
Concurrent 2 Plen 2.1+2.4
Māori Perspectives on Abortion
Melanie Gibson, Tania Slater and Wendy Dallas-Katoa
Concurrent 3 Plen 1.1+1.2
Pelvic Pain - Interdisciplinary Collaborative Care
Karen Joseph
12.10 – 12.30
Plenary Plen 2.2+2.3+2.5+2.6
Fighting Misinformation
Siouxsie Wiles
Concurrent 2 Plen 2.1+2.4
Disabilty and Abortion
Brigit Mirfin-Veitch
Concurrent 3 Plen 1.1+1.2
Physical Therapy and Pelvic Pain Management: A Team Approach
Liz Childs
12.30 – 13.30
Plenary Plen 2.2+2.3+2.5+2.6
Lunch and Exhibition - Halls 1 &2
Concurrent 2 Plen 2.1+2.4
Lunch and Exhibition - Halls 1 &2
Concurrent 3 Plen 1.1+1.2
Lunch and Learn (Whataitai 2A)
13.30 – 14.55
Plenary Plen 2.2+2.3+2.5+2.6
Concurrent 13 - Support Networks in Medicine: Whanau and Caring for the Carer
Daisy Wildash
Concurrent 2 Plen 2.1+2.4
Concurrent 14 - Obesity through the Lifespan
Bryony Simcock and Stephanie Luoni (15 minute presentations)
Concurrent 3 Plen 1.1+1.2
Concurrent 15 - Training and Education
Philip Suisted
13.30 – 13.40
Plenary Plen 2.2+2.3+2.5+2.6
Session Welcome and Introductions
Concurrent 2 Plen 2.1+2.4
Session Welcome and Introductions
Concurrent 3 Plen 1.1+1.2
Session Welcome and Introductions
13.40 – 13.55
Plenary Plen 2.2+2.3+2.5+2.6
Balancing Family Life and Demands of Medical Practice
Sharee Johnson
Concurrent 2 Plen 2.1+2.4
Effects of Ultra-Processed Food Inutero on Mental Health of Offspring
Julia Rucklidge
Concurrent 3 Plen 1.1+1.2
Evidence Based Training
Andrew Percy
13.55 – 14.10
Concurrent 2 Plen 2.1+2.4
Diamond Clinic
Glyn Teale
Concurrent 3 Plen 1.1+1.2
Prevocational Exposure to O&G
Judy Ormandy
14.10 – 14.25
Plenary Plen 2.2+2.3+2.5+2.6
Panel Session: The Impact of Supportive Families on Healthcare Professionals
Partners of FRANZCOG, Subspecialists and Trainees, Chaired by Sharee Johnson
Concurrent 2 Plen 2.1+2.4
Obesity and Endometrial Cancer
Sathana Ponnampalam
Concurrent 3 Plen 1.1+1.2
The Benefits of Longitudinal Training
Sarah Rennie (RACS)
14.25 – 14.40
Concurrent 2 Plen 2.1+2.4
Solutions for Obesity: Pharmacology Agents for Weight Loss
Rosemary Hall
Concurrent 3 Plen 1.1+1.2
The Benefits of Expanded Training from a Consumer Perspective
Tessa Kowaliw **Prerecord**
14.40 – 14.55
Plenary Plen 2.2+2.3+2.5+2.6
Partner of Boon Lim
Sally Lim
Concurrent 2 Plen 2.1+2.4
Advocacy Health Coalition Aotearoa: How can we change the Status Quo?
Lisa Te Moenga
Concurrent 3 Plen 1.1+1.2
The Benefits of Operating with a Peer - A Conversation
Nick Bedford and Simon McDowell
14.55 – 15.30
Plenary Plen 2.2+2.3+2.5+2.6
Afternoon Tea and Exhibition - Halls 1 &2
Concurrent 2 Plen 2.1+2.4
Afternoon Tea and Exhibition - Halls 1 &2
Concurrent 3 Plen 1.1+1.2
Afternoon Tea and Exhibition - Halls 1 &2
15.20 – 16.45
Plenary Plen 2.2+2.3+2.5+2.6
Concurrent 16 - LGBTQIA+ Health: Gender and Diversity
Jen Randle and Akira Lefevre (Pride in Medicine)
Concurrent 2 Plen 2.1+2.4
Concurrent 17 - Colposcopy Outside the Box
Daisy Wildash
Concurrent 3 Plen 1.1+1.2
Concurrent 18 - Free Communications
15.30 – 15.40
Plenary Plen 2.2+2.3+2.5+2.6
Session Welcome and Introductions
Concurrent 2 Plen 2.1+2.4
Session Welcome and Introductions
Concurrent 3 Plen 1.1+1.2
Session Welcome and Introductions
15.40 – 16.00
Plenary Plen 2.2+2.3+2.5+2.6
Learning from Lived Experience: LQBTQIA+ Patients and O&G Services
Frankie Karetai Wood-Bodley and Rawa Karetai Wood-Bodley
Concurrent 2 Plen 2.1+2.4
HPV Primary Screening in Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia
Nadine Riwai and Jared Watts
Concurrent 3 Plen 1.1+1.2
Presentation One & Two
16.00 – 16.20
Plenary Plen 2.2+2.3+2.5+2.6
Service Level Approaches to Improving LGBTQIA+ Experiences
Concurrent 2 Plen 2.1+2.4
Collaborating with Community
Judy Ormandy
Concurrent 3 Plen 1.1+1.2
Presentation Three & Four
16.20 – 16.40
Plenary Plen 2.2+2.3+2.5+2.6
Cultural Safety and your LGBTQIA+ Colleagues
Concurrent 2 Plen 2.1+2.4
Colposcopy in a Rural Setting
Lisa Whop
Concurrent 3 Plen 1.1+1.2
Presentation Five & Six
16.40 – 16.50
Plenary Plen 2.2+2.3+2.5+2.6
Concurrent 2 Plen 2.1+2.4
Concurrent 3 Plen 1.1+1.2
19.00 - late
Plenary Plen 2.2+2.3+2.5+2.6
Meeting Dinner, Te Papa