Registration Desk Opening Hours

Registration Desk

The RANZCOG ASM Registration Desk is your first point of call for check-in and collection of your name tag, as well as for any onsite enquiries. Located on the Ground Level close to the entrance of the PCEC, the desk will be open as follows:

Saturday28 October 7.30am -5.00pm
Sunday29 October 7.30am -5.30pm
Monday 30 -Tuesday 31 October 7.00am -5.00pm
Wednesday 1 November 7.00am -1.00pm

Pre-Meeting Workshops
running at PCEC

For Pre-Meeting Workshops running at PCEC, the registration desk will be located in the Riverside Foyer Area and will be open as follows:

Saturday28 October 07.30 -5.00pm
Sunday29 October 07.30 -1.00pm

Pre-Meeting Workshops running at King Edward Memorial Hospital

The Outpatient Hysteroscopy Workshop and Laparoscopic Surgery Workshop will take place at King Edward Memorial Hospital at DNAMER/CSL (A Block), Level 2, KEMH, 374 Bagot Road, Perth WA 6008
Registration will be as follows:

Outpatient Hysteroscopy Workshop

Saturday28 October 08.00 -8.30am

Laparoscopic Surgery Workshop

Saturday28 October 12.30 -1.00pm