Volunteer Program
Expressions of Interest
Due to overwhelming demand, Expressions of Interest are now closed. Volunteers will be notified via email about rosters over the coming weeks.

About the Meeting
The 2019 Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) is being held in Melbourne, Victoria from Sunday 13 to Wednesday 16 October 2019.
The Organising Committee is planning an above-and-beyond scientific program.
Sessions will look at the boundaries between the general practitioner and Specialist and Specialist and Sub-specialist. The aim is to promote collaboration and team work for the wellbeing of women.
Volunteer Program
Participation in the Volunteer Program provides some exposure to meeting sessions and the speciality of obstetrics and gynaecology more generally.
Volunteer medical students will undertake certain tasks throughout the duration of the meeting, such as providing directional assistance, running messages and collecting tickets for ticketed sessions.
Volunteers will be required for a minimum half-day commitment; on the day(s) of attendance, students will assist with meeting tasks for half of the day and, if desired, will be provided with a complimentary meeting pass to attend the remainder of the scientific sessions for that day.
Volunteers will be required to wear a volunteer t-shirt while in a volunteer capacity onsite and a briefing session will be held to provide an outline of the roles and responsibilities of volunteers.