About RANZCOG ASM 2024


In 2024, the theme for the RANZCOG ASM revolves around the concept of "Partnerships in Practice."

This theme underscores the fundamental importance of partnerships across every facet of our roles as Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Our connection with the women under our care stands as the most evident partnership we engage in as individual practitioners. Collaboratively, we make decisions regarding investigations and treatments in conjunction with our patients and their whānau (family).

Throughout our professional journey, partnerships play an ongoing role, extending to colleagues within our department, hospital, organisation, nation, and College. These relationships play a pivotal role in shaping our growth and development. Many of us find ourselves navigating both the realms of science and daily clinical practice within these partnerships.

A vital partnership involves our engagement with Māori communities in Aotearoa New Zealand and First Nations people in Australia: this demonstrates our commitment to personal growth and genuine collaborations in leadership, decision-making, and governance.

Our collaboration extends to the wider community as well, emphasising the importance of listening and empowering patients and whānau to shape their own care.

It is essential to understand the desires and preferences of women and their whānau regarding the nature and location of their healthcare. Equally significant is recognising their reservations and gaining insights from their perspectives. In achieving this, we can reach the pinnacle of genuine partnership.

Establishing genuine partnerships in leadership, decision-making, and governance holds the key to fostering equitable outcomes for women across both our nations.

RANZCOG’s affiliations with other medical colleges in Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand, and internationally further underscore our commitment, and through these interconnected networks, we collectively work to enhance women’s healthcare on a global scale.

to read more about the branding story for the 2024 RANZCOG ASM, check out the story here