Virtual ASM
Q What are the new dates?
A The virtual ASM will take place over 4 days from 11.00 – 18.00 AEDT from Monday 15 February to Thursday 18 February 2021.
Q I've already registered for the face-to-face event – what happens now?
A If you have registered for the face-to-face our Professional Conference Organiser will be refunding the amount you have paid soon. Unfortunately, we are unable to transfer your registration to the new event as it is very different to what a traditional ASM looks like. We hope you’ll register for the virtual event once the registration portal is open!
Q What will happen during the virtual ASM?
A The format of the Virtual ASM will be very familiar to previous ASM delegates. The Meeting will feature keynote presentations, concurrent sessions and panel discussions, and will include live moderated Q&As. The Meeting will be held over four days with two concurrent streams.
Additionally, there will be time for interactive networking with fellow delegates and opportunities to explore the Exhibition Space, where you will be able to engage directly with exhibitors.
Q What does registration include?
A Registrants will have access to the online platform which will enable you to:
– View over 100 keynote presentations and concurrent sessions and ask questions live.
– Participate in live interactive networking.
– Visit the Exhibition Space to meet and interact with exhibitors.
– Pre-arrange meetings with delegates, presenters & exhibitors.
– Utilise a suite of tools to enhance your attendance including live Q&A, event notes, contact exchange and downloadable content.
– Automatic CPD accreditation
– Free Communications and ePoster presentations
Q When will I receive my link to the online portal?
A A registration link will be sent to you by email two weeks prior to the Virtual ASM. Please check your junk folder if you do not receive the access email. If you do not receive the email, please contact to have this resent to you.
Q Will sessions be available for viewing after the Virtual ASM?
A Those who register for the RANZCOG Virtual ASM will have access to on-demand content post event for six months. Attendees are strongly encouraged to attend the live sessions to foster networking, participation, and a conference-like experience.
Q Do I need reliable internet?
A Yes, we recommend that you have reliable internet to get the most out of the RANZCOG Virtual ASM.
Q I have submitted an abstract but I cannot present at the new dates. What now?
A If you have submitted an abstract but can no longer attend at the new dates, please notify in writing to have your abstract withdrawn by 30 October 2020.
Q I have submitted an abstract but I can no longer attend. Can someone else present my abstract on
my behalf?
A Only the person who submitted an abstract can present this work at the ASM as part of the Free Communications or Poster presentations. If you would like to withdraw you abstract from consideration, please email before 30 October.
Q What are the benefits of online meetings?
A Online meetings remove the significant barrier of travel and accommodation expenses.
They allow meeting participants to join in remotely, reducing our carbon footprint, helping the environment and allowing delegates to attend the ASM while not being absent from home or work.
Online materials and recorded sessions will enhance the exchange of knowledge, and author and audience contact, during and after the Meeting.
Q Why is this year's event being offered at a reduced rate compared with previous ASMs?
A Although providing a virtual event does not incur the same costs as face-to-face meetings, there are still considerable technological expenses faced in delivering an online event. Regardless of this, the College is cognisant of the fact that many members have not been able to connect, learn and socialise during the pandemic, so has aimed to reduce registration fees to make the event accessible to a larger audience. This will provide a better opportunity to re-connect with friends and colleagues, meet new people and share knowledge from all stakeholders connected to RANZCOG.
Q Will lower registration rates apply to the RANZCOG ASM going forward?
A Each event will be judged on individual circumstances, however any move back to face-to-face or a shift to hybrid events will likely see prices rise to previous levels to ensure expenses are covered.
Q What time zone will the program be in?
A The time zone will be in Australian Eastern Daylight Time and run from 11.00–18.00. The program is being created in consideration of the different Australian and New Zealand time zones. To check your time zone please click here.
Q Will sessions be pre-recorded or live?
A The online program will be a mix of pre-recorded and live presentations.
Q Will I need to download specific software?
A Specific software is not required. You will be provided with a weblink to the virtual conferencing platform. Google Chrome is the recommended browser for the RANZCOG Virtual ASM web application. If you typically use Internet Explorer or Safari, it is recommended that you download Chrome prior to the RANZCOG Virtual ASM.
We strongly advise that you participate in the RANZCOG Virtual ASM via your desktop or laptop computer that has speakers. Mobile devices are supported however the best experience will be via computer. You will also require a reliable broadband internet connection.
Q What is a virtual exhibition?
A Just like a traditional exhibition at a face to face meeting, attendees can visit the exhibition space and engage with exhibitors. Attendees can view exhibitor information, download brochures, and when the exhibition is open, engage in instant meetings, by video, with exhibitors.