Breakfast and Lunch Session Addons

Breakfast Masterclass


Ryeqo – A Novel Approach for the Symptomatic Treatment of Uterine Fibroids with Professor Neil Johnson

Prof Neil Johnson will be discussing the clinical trials for the newly available treatment for symptomatic uterine fibroids in New Zealand, Ryeqo. He will delve into the clinical trial results for this oral treatment containing Relugolix, a GnRH antagonist, with add-back therapy (estradiol & norethisterone acetate), including both efficacy and safety data, and longer-term outcomes. This data will be related back to clinical practice and there will be an opportunity for Q&A with the audience.

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Date and Time

Tuesday 15 October 2024



Neil Johnson


Matiu 1A,
Level One,


  • plated breakfast
  • tea
  • coffee
  • juice.

CPD Hours

1 Hour Educational Activities

How to Register

You are able to express your interest in attending this breakfast (or lunch, in the case of the lunch) during the registration process for the RANZCOG 2024 ASM.

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Expression of Interest Form

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